Frequently asked questions.

What is sound healing?

Sound healing is an ancient therapeutic practice that uses vibrations, frequencies and sounds to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. From Ancient Egypt, to Ancient Greece, to Tibet - sound has been widely used in ceremonies, for healing and spiritual growth.

How does sound healing work?

Sound healing is based on a principle that everything in the universe, including our bodies, exists in a state of vibration, and that sound can influence these vibrational patterns to restore the body’s innate harmony and balance.

Who is sound healing for?

Pretty much anyone could benefit from sound healing. Healing frequencies have many benefits, from reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, to boosting body’s healing processes, to deepening spiritual practices.

Sound healing is NOT recommended for people in the first trimester of pregnancy, those who have metal implants in the body, those who have sound-induced epilepsy and anyone suffering from severe mental illnesses.

What does a session look like?

You will be asked to lie down comfortably. I then will guide you through a brief meditation sand begin playing instruments.

The best part is that you don’t need to do anything - just relax and receive. The instruments create balancing and relaxing vibrations that fill the room and can be felt in the body. Most of the time, participants feel a sense of relaxation, you might also fall asleep (and that is absolutely fine, as vibrations will work their magic even while you are sleeping).

Once the soundscape is over, I will gently guide you back and we will end with a few moments of mindfulness meditation again.

Any other questions? Drop me an email at